The journey to adulthood is a critical phase in every young person’s life, filled with hopes, dreams, and aspirations. For […]
This National Foster Care Month, you can support our young people on the path to their full potential by holding […]
Thanks to one of our recent vehicle donors, we’re all sunshine and rainbows over here at First Place for Youth! […]
Older foster youth would see new benefits and resources if the Governor’s proposed 2022-23 budget passes and First Place is […]
San Francisco County, CASA, JBAY, and First Place for Youth have partnered to jointly offer a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance […]
A Time for Community While we cannot be together around a table with our young people this year, it’s times like […]
At First Place for Youth, the well-being of our young people is paramount. We place their health and safety at the center of all our work as we prepare them to live independent lives as adults, and we always want them to be able to trust that we are giving them the best possible advice and have their interests at heart. We are applying this same approach as we address the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Bay Area Youth Holiday Party will bring First Place staff and youth together to celebrate as a community. With your help, we can make the season bright for foster youth!
Glassybaby’s open studio glassblowing lessons offer a novel experience and the chance to support local organizations like First Place for Youth.
December 2 was #GivingTuesday, which refers to the Tuesday after U.S. Thanksgiving in the United States and a movement to create […]
The My New Red Shoes organization helps homeless and low-income kids look and feel confident by providing them with new shoes and […]
First Place for Youth held our annual Back to School Event for our young people from Alameda and San Francisco. In attendance we […]