Elevating Youth Voices and Lived Experience

The mission of the Young Adult Leadership Council is to create opportunities for youth to have a voice at the table for organizational and policy change. Their voices and lived experience directly inform how we shape the lives of the transition-age foster youth in our programs, services and systems change.

Comprised of local youth representatives, youth interns, and other identified youth, the Council includes at least one member from each county/region.

In addition to monthly Council meetings, members represent First Place for Youth at community convenings and meetings with legislators, donors, community partners, and other stakeholders. Council members receive compensation for time spent on Council matters.

Program Success Points


March 2020

Engaged in conversations around the Summer Bridge programming

April / May 2020

Created youth vaccine Flyer to distribute to youth in program

June 2020

Met with Evaluation & Learning Department to discuss pregnancy prevention and programming

July & August 2020

Consulting and building understanding with Policy and Development departments

September 2020

Young Adult Leadership Council members joined youth spaces, workshops, and events across the state

October 2020

Supported holiday planning and created the Gratitude Wall

November / December 2020

Provided feedback on our Program Practice Competencies

January 2021

Provided feedback on education retention

February 2021

Provided feedback and discussed pathways to successful exits to stable housing for youth exiting programs with First Place Evaluation & Learning Department

“Board member quote goes here. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Firstname Lastname
First Place for Youth Board Member

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