
Make a Tax-Free Gift from Your IRA!

You’ve worked hard, you set money aside for the future, and you’re ready to enjoy your retirement years. Maybe you’re looking for a way to give back. Consider making a gift from your IRA.  

If you’re 70½ or older, you can use the IRA charitable rollover to make a tax-free charitable donation. This allows you to transfer up to $100,000 to a qualified charitable organization without paying income tax on the distribution. Additionally, if you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement. 

When you use the IRA charitable rollover to make a gift to First Place for Youth, your gift will be put to use today, allowing you to see the difference you’re making today with no income taxes your IRA savings.  

Not 70½ yet? You can still support our mission. Simply name First Place for Youth as a beneficiary and we’ll receive the funds or the portion you designate when you pass. 

So that we may track your gift, please email Claudia Miller, Chief Development Officer, if you plan to donate stock or make a distribution from your IRA at


Building Brighter Futures: Our Partnership with The Relatives

At First Place for Youth, we are proud to partner with The Relatives in Mecklenburg County, NC, an organization that […]

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In the Media

‘First Place For Youth’ program to provide housing, employment for youth aging out of foster care

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In the Media

Forbes EQ – Bread And Roses: A Rallying Cry For Social Justice

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